Sunday, September 15, 2013

Paramedics with bright futures must not be kept in the dark

I REFER to “Group waiting on Health Ministry for discussion” (The Star, Dec 28). Assistant Medical Officers (AMOs) evolved from names such as Dressers, Hospital Assistants (HAs) and Medical Assistants (MAs).
With a Diploma Pembantu Perubatan from the Health Ministry, they assist Medical Officers in their daily activities. In specialised departments and units or areas, post basic trained AMOs are fitted in.
On the other hand, a Paramedic graduates with a Degree, Diploma or Certificate in Paramedic Science as clearly defined in their roles and responsibilities in countries such as the UK, US, Canada, Germany and Australia (reference included from Wikipedia).
I believe there are none with such a qualification within the Malaysian Civil Service. However, it won’t be long, as I have come across an advertisement by a local medical college on such a course.
If the authorities are serious about having Paramedics being a part of our healthcare delivery system, I suggest they look into the UK paramedic modules of training to start with.
The Health Ministry can start discussions with the Public Services Department (PSD) on a paramedic service scheme here with grades starting from U29 at diploma level right up U54 as Chief Paramedic of Malaysia.
Service options can be extended to existing AMOs and nurses who have served at least 10 years in an emergency setting as well as having undergone a course in Post Basic Emergency and Pre Hospital Care.
At the same time, Paramedic Sciences training centres can be set up for diploma and degree level studies.
Paramedics can then be seconded to Police and Fire Stations and Civil Defence Corp 911 Rescue centres on a 24-hour basis to be supervised by an area paramedic superintendent or district or division head.
Subsequently, an association and union of Paramedics Malaysia and a Board of Paramedics Malaysia can be set up to link with paramedics of other nations towards professional development worldwide, just as for nurses, physiotherapists etc.
I suggest the various stakeholders develop academic link with institutions of higher learning locally for AMO diploma holders to pursue a degree course. Currently many are lost as to where to move forward.
And many have studied for a degree not at all related, such as nursing, forensic science, nutrition, social science, management and have left the profession when not being able to move beyond U41 grade.

Kos perubatan negara meningkat 10 peratus

GEORGETOWN - Kos perubatan negara dijangka meningkat 10 peratus setiap tahun berikutan peningkatan kes penyakit tidak berjangkit (NCD) ekoran kurangnya kesedaran rakyat berhubung gaya hidup sihat, kata Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya.
Sebagai contoh, katanya, masalah obesiti yang menyebabkan pelbagai jenis penyakit menunjukkan peningkatan yang serius seperti diumumkan Menteri Kesihatan, Datuk Seri S Subramaniam baru-baru ini.  
"Peningkatan itu akan menyebabkan ramai masuk hospital dan kos kita memang meningkat tiap-tiap tahun. Saya pun ada melawat banyak hospital dan saya dapati memang sesak...perlu tambahan katil dan sebagainya," kata Dr Hilmi kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan Projek Bebas Tembakau Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) di sini hari ini.  
Turut hadir Timbalan Naib Canselor (Hal Ehwal dan Pembangunan Pelajar) USM, Prof Dr Adnan Hussein; Pengerusi Lembaga Promosi Kesihatan Malaysia (MySihat) Tan Sri Dr Mohd Nasir Mohd Ashraf dan Pengarah Pusat Racun Negara, Prof Madya Dr Razak Lajis.
Dr Hilmi berkata, keyakinan rakyat terhadap perkhidmatan perubatan di hospital dan klinik kerajaan yang semakin meningkat turut menyumbang kepada peningkatan kos perubatan selain kos pentadbiran, pengurusan dan pembangunan.
Justeru, beliau meminta kerajaan menyediakan peruntukan tambahan kepada kementerian berkenaan menerusi Bajet 2014 bagi memastikan perkhidmatan kesihatan terbaik yang berterusan kepada rakyat. 
Sementara itu, Dr Hilmi menyambut baik usaha USM memerangi gejala merokok di kalangan pelajar dan kakitangan yang dilihat mampu membantu kerajaan mengurangkan jumlah kes penyakit tidak berjangkit.
Beliau berharap institusi pengajian tinggi lain dapat mengikut langkah USM dengan menganjurkan program serupa. - Bernama